Two words, Twin and Set, one a balanced union, one a winning couple. In its brand name Twinset reveals its origins, its present and its future. The transversal spirit of this iconic piece, combining cardigan and shirt not only expresses the harmony of feminine charm and confident elegance, of discreet seduction and wise tailoring, but it also tells the story of the territory which defined its cardinal virtues of quality and excellence. This strong identity supports the continuous growth of the brand.
Today Twinset is an expanding brand, growing both in international markets and in own Retail. It enjoys the loyalty of over 800 employees and distributes its goods in Italy, Europe and Asia.
Twinset undertook an important transformation of its organization in 2013, shortly after a private equity foundation joined the Group. It was a profound evolution, not merely from the IT perspective, but also in relation to the construction of a more solid company structure. The new shareholder believes that well-defined and structured flows, along with suitable support tools and qualified, passionate employees are vital to guarantee the expected growth.
In this context, the IT becomes the engine and the fundamental part of the transformation, going along, and sometimes even guiding, the cultural change and the styling of new operational and control processes. Thus, it becomes the key tool for both strategy definition and game strategy direction. The first step in this process is about the evolution, or better to say introduction of an accounting system and performance management. The following step is the review of commercial and industrial processes of the Group. It’s in this moment of Twinset evolution when Dedagroup Stealth comes into play.
“The professionalism and reliability of Deda Stealth employees have given even bigger value to the project, may be even more important than the wellknown functional and reliable coverage of the Stealth® Solution.”
Federico Tamburini,IT & Logistics Director, Twinset
The project was born in 2016 and it went live for the first time in 2017, during the FW18 Wholesale sales campaign, when the first Twinset processes on the Stealth® Platform took place. In 2018 the Stealth® functional coverage was extended to cover the Twinset industrial and commercial flows: from planning to production, from order collection to distribution.
Today a new developing phase is taking place: the aim is to implement Stealth® also in all the Retail processes of the Group. Among other things, the project includes Retail Xstore solution activation and its integration to Stealth® Retail. In the meantime, the brand is engaged in the evolution of its own e-commerce platform, for on-line retail: its interaction with Stealth® will be a crucial element in the evolutionary road map of the Twinset IT systems. The company has a mind to realize an omnichannel Retail able to intercept the actual consumers’ needs and to instill them into the design and production of the future brands’ collections.
The collaboration with Deda Stealth is an incentive for Twinsets’ profound transformation: not only is Stealth® an unique platform for management of traditional processes such as production and distribution, but it is also a cardinal point for seamless integration with the retail management systems which Twinset uses in order to transform its presence on the market. Among the strategic aims of the company there is the will to build an integration framework: product-production-point of sale in order to shorten the distance between the creative idea, its industrialization and the final consumer in all the contact points with the brand: direct or licensed points of sale, multiple brand stores, e-commerce, marketplaces, brand apps.
The solution that supports companies in their expansion into local and global markets through centralized, real-time control of all information related to sales and distribution processes.
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