The solution collects and rates the data related to the materials certification and the information concerning the materials and operations Suppliers. Processes already existing within Stealth® Platform (such us Purchases, Warehouse transactions, BOM, Cycles, and Work Order) are integrated into this structure without occurring losses.
Stealth® Sustainability Solution is a support system integrated into the business activities. It is intended to facilitate the gathering and rating of information required to support the sustainability model that every Fashion company aims at.
Stealth® Sustainability Solution allows the users to enter in Stealth® the Fashion Platform the details demanded to define the sustainability level of each item, including the raw materials KPIs and the manufacturing life cycle.
The information related to Suppliers refers to FEM (Facility Environmental Module), FSLM (Facility Social Labor Module ), and suppliers' certifications. The FEM contains the value of sustainability index referring to Energy, Water, and waste, whereas the FSLM refers to sustainable work conditions, exploitation of children, salary, employees’ conditions.
The Core of the Sustainability module will be a standard container logically organized to collect fundamental data. A cross-reference will be made between the data on certifications of materials, operations, suppliers, and the international HIGG index. Based on this, the item sustainability index will be calculated. The results will be indicated on the sustainability label, which can be released like the composition label.