The story of Il Bisonte begins in the heart of Florence, and it dates back to the 70s, when the Founder Wanny Di Filippo gave life to a brand which is the ultimate expression of the Italian manufacturing tradition. The brand is both traditional and revolutionary: the colours and design of their leather products’ respect the craftsmanship of Italian Fashion, but perfectly match the principles of modernity. The brand’s supply chain is short and sustainable: the production phase of each article takes place along the Arno River, in a ray of 30 km.
It was 2019 when the company expressed the need to optimize its business processes and to renovate the flows within the entire supply chain in order to make them more fluid and transparent. The ERP software that the company had been using for 3 years didn’t meet the brand’s need anymore: Il Bisonte was looking for a tool that could guarantee a unique view on data and facilitatethe activities of the Store Manager, supporting the internationalization strategy of the company.
Following a Software Selection, the Customer recognized flexibility and scalability in Stealth® solutions. In line with their needs, the brand opted for the out-of-the-box platform Stealth® GO!, taking full advantage of the verticality of the ERP and the functionality of the vertical module Stealth® Retail. By leveraging an open-to-external-integration tool as Stealth®, the company enhanced the cash flows through Retail Pro Prism and the finance processes with the installation of Oracle JD Edwards. Respecting the seasonality of products, the project GoLive was officially launched in February 2021 with the Retail functionalities, followed by Operations a month later.
With Stealth® Retail Il Bisonte was able to implement all the functions related to store flows: from sales to replenishment, inventory, secluded items, up to the management of the “Click and Collect” model, thus anticipating an omnichannel sales strategy.
The Light version of the POS Management Software Retail Pro Prism allowed the brand to maintain the previous installation until the day before the project GoLive, avoiding interruptions in the use of systems and without compromising the store operations. The solution supported the integration of the new systems with online solutions such as e-commerce - already present in the company - and it perfectly met the need for localization and internationalization demanded by the brand, already widespread in many European and non-European countries, ensuring the sharing of data aligned with the regulatory and tax systems across borders.
"We have fully implemented all the functionalities of Stealth® Retail, achieving full control over the store operations (...), furthermore we’ve been able to launch the Click & Collect sales strategy: an early stage of omnichannel"
Francesco Cambi, former IT Manager of Il Bisonte.
Introducing a complex and structured ERP such as Stealth® represented the f irst fundamental step for the digital transformation of the brand which today has full control of actual costs and production needs with consequent timely and effective management of the costs of raw materials and operations. The Customer took advantage of the flexible architecture of the Stealth® solutions and benefited from the possibility to integrate the system with the best-in-classsoftware on the market, such as LOGIMODA, making the shipping processes to suppliers and the end customer more efficient. Leveraging on Retail Pro Prism, the company finalized the installation on mobile devices, tablets and smartphones present in the store. The solution showed various strengths, containing all the capabilities and features to facilitate the sales activities, in favour of a better Employee Experience.
As a complete, flexible and scalable solution, the ERP Stealth® GO! Enabled a seamless architecture open to integration allowing the Customer not only to easily educate the company to this new system, but also to plan future investments: to begin with, the brand aims at strengthening the omnichannel approach, funnelling both physical and digital channels in a unique system. In 2022 the company seeks to introduce a BI system (Business Intelligence) and a platform for the inspection of multimedia documents connected to Stealth® and the e-commerce. The first half of 2022 in the Supply Chain is to produce internal parts will be implemented, giving greater importance to the control of each production process. As for logistics, the company wants to replace the manual Quality Control process with a verif ication tool to automate the process. The integration of the Stealth® Platform with NUR and DAM and the implementation of CRM and BPM systems are also in the pipeline.
Stealth GO! is the vertical ERP Software Solution based on Stealth® - The Fashion Platform, designed for small and medium-sized enterprises, suitable for specific sectors such as Clothing, Shoes and Leather, Luxury and Accessories, Underwear.
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The solution that supports companies in their expansion into local and global markets through centralized, real-time control of all information related to sales and distribution processes.
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